Ol Motiok Ultimate: The first Laikipia Ultimate Frisbee Team!
With a partnership with the John Muchiri, the head of sports at Ol Motiok Primary School, we have put together an Ultimate frisbee team! The design of the team is to play games with our guests on our safaris, to have fun and allow our visitors to get to know some of the children from our neighboring community ranch. Sport and games is so often the best way to make connections with people.
We will play in a beautiful stretch of a dry river bed (called a lugha in swahili) near the school but after the kids have had time to sharpen their game we may want to challenge teams in Nairobi or possibly from other conservancy sponsored teams around Kenya (We’re working on them).
Below are some pictures of our first day of practice. The kids were over the moon and played their hearts out despite the hot sun and having never before even heard of the game, frisbee. We left them with a disc to practice their skills and we will keep you all updated on their game.